Proud to be an HRAI MEMBER!

The Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) was founded in 1968 and is a non-profit national trade association of manufacturers, wholesalers and contractors in the Canadian heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industries.
Proud to be an ASHRAE MEMBER!
Our designer is a Mechanical Engineering graduates and more than 10 years HVAC&R industry experience. We are proud of being a Member of ASHRAE community.
We have designed and built the HVAC system all over the world. These include but not limited to single detached houses, high rise residential buildings, industrial buildings, hotels and malls.
We to design HVAC!

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers is a global professional association.
MBR# 8355647

BCIN Number
The Building Code Act, requires that the designer for activities regulated under the act be qualified and registered with the ministry
BCIN# 123326

Building Code Act
The Ministry administers the Building Code Act and the Building Code, which govern the construction of new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings.

Ontario Building Code
OBC is a regulation under the Act that establishes detailed technical and administrative requirements and minimum standards for building construction.